Volunteering Touch

Alive Hospice of Murfreesboro, TN approached me this past March with a request for me to lead a team of Licensed Massage Therapists to become Volunteers for their dying patients. Synchronistically, two days before, I had read my new Massage and Bodywork magazine that had dedicated the whole issue to elevating the integrity of Hospice Massage! I was thrilled to tell them YES, I will find a Healthy Touch Tribe IF we can have the proper training. Ten months later with the superior training of http://www.HealWell.org, 11 profound students sat in circle for two full days of deep discussion about the death process and our own mortality. We practiced the Walton pressure scale numbers 1 and 2 on a scale of (1-5) which are the only two pressures that are comfortable to a dying person. We learned how to use pillows, towels, or clothing to bolster the limbs and head to be most comfortable. We were given thought provoking questions about ourselves and ethics in small groups of 2-3, and then all discussed together how conflicting the answers can be. In our groups of 2, we stared into each others eyes with a neutral face asking questions of each others hardships and comforts without being able to console them or react to them. We were only allowed to say “Thank You”, after the question was answered, knowing that it was not our job to process their truths, only to hold space for their truths to be witnessed. This was very challenging, and there were many tears and breakthroughs. Every student thanked Alive Hospice, Lauren and Kerry of HealWell, and me for offering this class to prepare us for this compassionate, sacred work. The warrior side of me has let myself be so vulnerable, I am raw, but reaching the depths of my Soul is worth it. I must be a mermaid 🧜🏼‍♀️ because I have no fear of depths and a great fear of shallow living. Do you have anything to share? If so, leave a comment below, and have a peaceful day. Love, Shawna

2 thoughts on “Volunteering Touch”

  1. The older I get I truly see how silly it is to live life shallow. I want the people in my life to know how much they mean to me and why. I want them to have that in their memories of me. Our time is so short don’t waste it.
    Mama & Nana Jan
